Everyone has that one friend who's amazing at baking - Holly's our one. Since we're now plant-based we thought we might be able to catch her out, so we've concocted a challenge.
Every couple of weeks, we're going to give her a new challenge. We'll drop off the ingredients and then she's on her own. No recipe, no instructions, just a photo of what we want at the end of it and her video camera - ably manned by her husband, Adam - to record her thought processes.

For the first one, we thought we'd start nice and easy and we sent her this, to the right, and told her to make the cookies. Easy right? Well, maybe if you're Holly! Watch the video below to see how she got on.
We're super impressed with how she did (they're nicer looking than ours!) and she even managed to guess what some of the vegan replacement products were for. If you'd like to have a go at these, with a recipe, have a look at our page here.