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Green Cuisine Chicken-free Burgers Review

Fussy Vegans

We've mentioned before, but in our household we have one long time veggie who went vegan and then we have one member who if you'd said would be vegan 5 years ago, would have laughed you out the door. The second of which still likes the flavours of meat, but just doesn't eat animal products any more for the health benefits.

When we walked passed these in Asda the other day, they were dropped straight into our basket. We've tried a few alternatives before - Aldi do some which are just dry and rather meh. It's surprising we've not been able to find a chicken burger alternative which we really liked considering we have such great alternatives like This Isn't Chicken freely available already.

With much trepidation and a little bit of excitement we cooked these up on a warm summer's day with some boiled potatoes and a small salad and we're delighted to say that these are good!

From a ex-meat eater's perspective they hold together well, have the right texture as you bite through them and they actually taste like a chicken burger! James was really chuffed when we had these.

If you pop on some vegan mayo genuinely, we could have been having the meat version. We were really impressed. So much so that we've since been back and stocked up on some of Bird's Eyes Green Cuisine chicken alternatives so we can let you know if the rest of the range is just as good. No spoilers, but some of the ones we've tried and not yet reviewed are just as good!

Rating: 9/10

Great alternative, reasonable price. Only missed out on a 10 because there must be a really expensive one somewhere which would beat this. It's a fantastic option to whack in the freezer for one night where you don't feel like making much effort with your cooking!


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