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Spicy Pasta Sauce

Fussy Vegans

When Amy saw this recipe, she thought it was going to be a little strange but, with a bit of tweaking, we were both very impressed and it made great leftovers for the next day.


2 tbsp virgin olive oil

1 large red onion, finely chopped

2 large cloves garlic, minced

1 tsp ground cumin

½ tsp sea salt

Dash black pepper, ground

1 small sprig of fresh basil

1 tbsp dried oregano

1 heaped tsp ground coriander

Pinch cinnamon

Pinch ground cloves

1 knorr vegetable stock cube, finely sliced

1 beef tomato, chopped into cubes

4 small tomatoes on the vine, chopped into cubes

1 tin peeled plum tomatoes

½ red bell pepper, finely chopped

½ orange (or yellow) bell pepper, finely chopped

2 sprigs of fresh parsley, chopped

1 sprig oregano, chopped

½ cup water

Your choice of carbohydrate to serve – we choose penne pasta!


1. Heat the oil in a wok and add the onions and garlic, sautéing them until transluscent and soft but not brown.

2. Add in the spices, salt and pepper, and stock cube and mix thoroughly, stirring frequently to avoid burning.

3. Add in the peeled plum tomatoes, fresh tomatoes and bell peppers and stir to combine. Drop in the fresh herbs and bring to the boil: simmer for 15 minutes.

4. Add in the water and mix well.

5. Turn off the heat. Using a hand blender, whizz the sauce into a smooth paste, adding more water if absolutely necessary.

6. Serve with pasta (or other carbohydrate) and enjoy piping hot!


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